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Shams is the biggest monthly specialized agricultural magazine in Middle East and North Africa since 1998. It works in scientific bases targeting the enlightenment and guidance of farmers in Egypt and Arab world. Shams provides comprehensive information about the market and industry, scientific advances, new Agri-input products, latest technology and latest news about agriculture development. The magazine is circulated among Farmers, Dealers, Distributors, Importers, Exporters, Agriculture Machinery Manufacturers, Government and Private institutes, Trade Associations and Trade Counselors in more than 20 countries which includes Africa, Asia, Europe and Middle East regions.

Shams earned its international reputation through sponsoring and participating in important events and world class exhibitions annually. Shams is the number 1 magazine in the middle east and north Africa ,we have the most professional team each in his or her field. We support our Clients by opening up domestic as well as international markets for their products.

Shams Main Topics:


Bringing people and markets together by providing latest information about products and techniques in the Field of agriculture world widely.


You can follow up with the latest news and information in the agriculture field by getting our latest Issue.


Advertising with us is the best way to reach your clients, as Shams magazine circulate among all of those interested in the agriculture field in more than 20 Countries. we sponsor many of the world class Agriculture exhibition.


Printed Issues of Shams magazine subscription is available for a symbolic charge of 250 L.E / Year or an equivalent amount of your country currency.

Shams Main Sponsor For The Biggest Agricultural exhibitions


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Advertising with us is the best way to reach your clients as We deliver the right contacts and a positive return on marketer objectives by connecting manufacturers and traders with the Dealers, Distributors, and Importers, Exporters of Pre and Post-Harvest Agriculture products and Technologies.

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